I am thrilled to report that the Rutgers Camden campus is getting its first grad level classes in Fine Arts! This Summer Session 2016 the MALS program, in conjunction with the Department of Fine Arts, is offering graduate level courses in creams sculpture and new media. 

As the Acting Directer of the MALS program this spring semester, it actually hadn’t occurred to me to offer summer classes in Fine Arts until one of my MALS students asked if she could take one of the classes that I was teaching myself. So, in collaboration with multiple programs, the new classes are below and I highly recommend both. The first class is on the ground, in the sculpture studios at Rutgers Camden, and the second class is online. Neither class requires any background in fine art. 

Cheers and I hope to see you all this summer!

Prof. Demaray

To sign up for these classes, please follow the links at the bottom of this post.

50:606:608. CERAMIC SCULPTURE (3)?This dynamic hands-on class utilizes hand-building, slab-building and glaze to author works of art in clay.  In this context students will also learn how to write about art while tracing the historic arc of this medium and actively participating in the innovations that are the hallmarks of modern day ceramics. The class will additionally consider nature of art as a medium for communication and the roll of the artist in society. Students need no prior background in art to take this class.

50:606:609. NEW MEDIA ART (3)? ?This class is dedicated to advancing the conceptual and practical uses of digital media in a fine arts context. Focused on a nexus of theory and studio-based work, the course utilizes much of the technology already available in our day-to-day lives to make video art, mash-ups, interactive media and web based artworks. New Media Art also offers the opportunity to actively participate in the innovations that are the hallmark of this new medium while tracing the historic significance of computing, hacktivism and shared interfaces. Students need no prior background in art to take this class.


1. G0 to the Summer Session web site, which gives a good overview of our summer classes is here: https://summer.camden.rutgers.edu
2. If you go to the “course listings” page and click on ONLINE COURSES at the bottom. It will allow you to go to GRADUATE ARTS AND SCIENCES: Liberal Studies which will bring you to the course list that will begin with the New Media class:
Studies of Arts and Literature: New Media Art (Cr.3)
56:606:609:Sec.J1:05630 Sakai


1. G0 to the Summer Session web site, which gives a good overview of our summer classes is here: https://summer.camden.rutgers.edu
2. If you go to the “course listings” page and find the heading GRADUATE ARTS AND SCIENCES. Select Liberal Studies 
This page will begin with the course description for Ceramic Sculpture: Studies of Arts and Literature: Ceramic Sculpture (Cr.3) 56:606:608:Sec.A3:05629 FA 103