The purpose of science is to create factual knowledge. The purpose of art is to communicate things that may transcend simple language. At one time, however, all natural scientists were artists. Alexander von Humboldt, often considered the father of environmentalism was the first scientist to promote the concept of an ecosystem. Humboldt was fascinated by … Continue reading Art Through Science at Rutgers Camden!…
What’s New?
Art and Urban Sustainability Spring 2017
I am thrilled to be teaching Art and Urban Sustainability this coming spring semester. This past spring the course was taught by the artist Mary Mattingly and the class helped design her project Swale, a giant, floating, urban edible forrest. This semester the class will be working on PandoraBird, my computer vision system that tracks and plays the … Continue reading Art and Urban Sustainability Spring 2017…
The Art of Contradiction, Commencement Address, University of California at Berkeley
Commencement Address by Elizabeth Demaray University of California at Berkeley, Department of Art Practice May 16, 2008, University Art Museum, Barkeley, CA I can’t tell you what a pleasure it is to be here, with you, today. You who have worked so hard. You who have braved treacherous financial aid forms, endured opinionated psychotic street people, survived … Continue reading The Art of Contradiction, Commencement Address, University of California at Berkeley…
Interview SciArt Magazine
Straight Talk with Elizabeth Demaray, by Danielle McCloskey, SciArt Magazine, February Issue, 2015, full text with images can be purchased at Danielle McCloskey (DM): From encasing plants and rocks in knits and upholstery fabric, culturing lichen to live on the sides of New York City buildings, exploring the effects of a diet of fast food on … Continue reading Interview SciArt Magazine…
Interview in Journal of Interdisciplinary Humanities: Environmental Aesthetics
Interview with Leeann Westman for the Environmental Aesthetics issue, Fall 2015 Leeann Westman (LW): Where did you begin as an artist? Elizabeth Demaray (ED): Ok, I’m actually going to tell you what happened exactly. I took an elective class in art when I was a junior in college. I was majoring in cognitive psychology and trying … Continue reading Interview in Journal of Interdisciplinary Humanities: Environmental Aesthetics…
Project/Artist (Sustainability, Art/Sci, Interactive links)
Hi Everybody, I’m using the space below to generate a list of links to artists/projects/research/writings in the areas of Sustainability, Art/Sci, Interactive Systems and sculpture. Cheers and feel free to e-mail me with any additions! ElizLinks to Sustainability Projects/Artists:Murray Bookchin: new ecological vision of the city: Plastic Free Island Kefalonia (2015):PLASTIC FREE ISLAND (Island Sans Plastic) examines … Continue reading Project/Artist (Sustainability, Art/Sci, Interactive links)…