Conceptual Art: Strategies and Movements
I am thrilled to report that this summer we will be running a graduate level class called Conceptual Art: Strategies and Movements. This exciting, based-paced, online class allows students to use the strategies and innovative practices that artists use in order to make original works of art, while learning about the movements the comprise conceptual practice. You need no background in art in order to take this class.
In sentences 2 and 3 from Sentences on Conceptual Art, Sol LeWitt states: “Rational judgments repeat rational judgments. Irrational judgments lead to new experience.” In this class, we will create artistic works and learn about the nature of innovation by tracing the dematerialization of the art object through the history of Western art in the twentieth century.
Some of the conceptual strategies we will explore in Strategies and Movements include recontextualization, generative processes, frottage, performative actions, and site-based intervention. You will also learn how to write critique statements, give online presentations on current and historical works, and present your own projects within a formal critical structure.